Well Servicing & Pipeline Services
in BC, Alberta, & Throughout Western Canada
With over three decades of combined experience, Xtreme Oilfield Technology offers pipeline and well servicing including but not limited to, testing, pigging, drying, pre-heating/warm-ups, moisture removal, well cleanouts, sand cleanouts, and air drilling. If you are looking for oilfield servicing assistance and reside within Western Canada, contact our pipeline and well servicing experts today!
We offer the following Services:
- Pipeline testing
- Pneumatic Testing
- Underbalance Drilling
- Air Drilling
- Well Unloading
- Stable Foam Cleanouts
- Pipeline Warming
- Pipeline Drying
- Pigging
- Compressors Boosters/Rentals

Pipeline & Well Servicing Equipment Specifications:
- Body job and trailer mounted units
- Compressor packages from 750 cfm to 2700 cfm
- Compressor booster packages generates up to 2800 psi
- Steam line preheaters capable of producing up to 300o°C
- Desiccant pipeline dryers
- Pressure truck (purged) 12 m³ with 2 compartments, pump generates up to 5000psi and has a flow rate meter used for methanol/water blend
- Catch tanks/flow back tanks from 10m³ to 30m³ c/w flow lines, line pipe and trays
Frequently asked questions
Can you supply pigs for pipeline cleaning or drying service?
Yes, we have various sizes of construction and drying pigs available. If you have any other questions about well servicing, contact us today!
How often do you recommend pipeline service?
Pipelines need to be inspected every 5 years but constant service is essential to ensure your pipeline is at peak optimal performance. If you are unsure if you need to service your pipeline, or how often you’ll need servicing, contact us and one of our specialists will be happy to answer all of your questions.
How do you get a pig unstuck from a pipeline?
In cases like these, it is best to remove pressure from the line and vent or drain towards the launcher. Removing pressure allows the pig to relax to its original shape and may cause it to back up in the pipeline. Then you should allow the pressure to dissipate. After 15-30 minutes, repressurize the line to drive the pig through the restriction.
Which regions do you perform pipeline and well services for?
We offer our expert oilfield and trailer trucking services to sites all over Western Canada. We service sites in Alberta, Northeastern BC, and Western Saskatchewan; in particular, we provide our services to Kindersley, Lloydminster, Conklin, St. Paul, Bonnyville, Fort McMurray, Wabasca, Whitecourt, Vermillion, and Fort St. John.
If you would like to inquire about our pipeline & well services, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call (780) 645-5979.